廉政公署「生涯規劃分享」影片觀賞活動 (2024/25學年) 學生意見問卷
 ICAC Life Planning Sharing – Video Show (2024/25 School Year) Student Evaluation Form

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1. 我觀看的影片是:I have watched the following video(s):
(可選多於一項) (May choose more than one option)
2. 影片有助我思考探索個人興趣及訂立發展目標的方向。The video(s) inspired me to explore personal interest and set career goals.
(1=非常同意 Strongly Agree ; 4=非常不同意 Strongly Disagree)
3. 影片有助我明白建立正面價值觀及態度的重要性。The video(s) enhanced my understanding on the importance of developing positive values and attitudes.
(1=非常同意 Strongly Agree ; 4=非常不同意 Strongly Disagree)
4. 對「生涯規劃分享」影片的整體意見:In general, the overall effectiveness of the ‘Life Planning Sharing’ Video(s) is:
(1=非常有效 Very Effective ; 4=非常無效 Not Effective)