4. Module Evaluation Form (Anti-corruption Education and Publicity Work)

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1. Learning Objectives

The objectives and learning outcomes of the module are clear and precise
The module content aligned with the stated objectives
The module helped me achieve the stated learning outcomes

2. Module Contents and Teaching

Please rate the overall teaching quality of the module

2.1 For the subject: Project and Event Management

The trainer (Kerry LEE, Privatism Training Consultant) demonstrated in-depth knowledge of the subject
The module materials were appropriate and helpful
The course materials were well presented by the trainer

2.2 For the subject: Preventive Education and Public Engagement-An Overview

The trainer (Rika CHAN) demonstrated in-depth knowledge of the subject
The module materials were appropriate and helpful
The course materials were well presented by the trainer

2.3 For the subject: Media Policy and Relations

The trainer (Daniel CHAN) demonstrated in-depth knowledge of the subject
The module materials were appropriate and helpful
The course materials were well presented by the trainer

2.4 For the subjects: Preventive Education and Public Engagement – Case Study on Business Sector and Public Engagement

The trainer (Mabel CHU) demonstrated in-depth knowledge of the subjects
The module materials were appropriate and helpful
The course materials were well presented by the trainer

2.5 For the subject: Preventive Education and Public Engagement – Case Study on Youth Engagement

The trainer (Ada CHAN) demonstrated in-depth knowledge of the subject
The module materials were appropriate and helpful
The course materials were well presented by the trainer

2.6 For the subject: Positive Communication to Achieve Influence

The trainer (Ruth LIANG, AWTC (Lo & Lam) Consultancies Ltd) demonstrated in-depth knowledge of the subject
The module materials were appropriate and helpful
The course materials were well presented by the trainer

2.7 For the subject: Presentation Skills

The trainers (Joyce NIP & Ruth LIANG, AWTC (Lo & Lam) Consultancies Ltd) demonstrated in-depth knowledge of the subject
The module materials were appropriate and helpful
The course materials were well presented by the trainer

2.8 For the subjects: Preventive Education and Public Engagement – Case Study on Public Sector and Public Elections

The trainer (Claire CHAN) demonstrated in-depth knowledge of the subjects
The module materials were appropriate and helpful
The course materials were well presented by the trainer

2.9 For the subject: Effective Use of Mass Media and New Media for Publicity

The trainer (Crystal TANG) demonstrated in-depth knowledge of the subject
The module materials were appropriate and helpful
The course materials were well presented by the trainer

3. Module Arrangement

How satisfied were you with the logistic arrangements of the module:

4. Overall Experience

The module was well-structured and organised
The module content was relevant to my work
Overall, how would you rate this module